Done For You
Local Media Assets
Your Own Local News
Podcast, Live Stream & Email Newsletter
Sent By You Every Week...
WITHOUT You Doing ANY of the Work!

Weekly Podcast for Your "Local Media Asset"
(Video & Audio, Customized For Your City & Page)

Our Team Will Broadcast Your Weekly Show
(LibSyn, YouTube & Facebook Live)

Every Friday
Show Setup (included)
We'll ask for your Local Media Asset (LMA) website name, website address & Facebook URL
We'll submit your podcast (in audio form) to Apple Podcasts (iTunes), the Google Music Store (Google Play), and LibSyn
We'll create a "podcast" tab on your site & setup a YouTube account for your local news site
Weekly Broadcast
Every Friday, we'll LIVE broadcast (10 minutes) a LIVE ACTION (talking head) "show" onto your Facebook page cover the latest news & events in YOUR local area
We script and narrate the entire show on video -- optionally, you can provide us with your sponsors, specific announcements, audio/video clips or suggestions -- we do ALL the work
After each broadcast, we'll post the video recording to your YouTube and podcast channels
We post our news "script" from that broadcast as podcast show notes, and send that as a weekly email newsletter to your subscribers (included upon request)
No setup fee, cancel anytime

Order Local Media Assets Podcast Service:
Weekly show, with NO daily Facebook, Instagram, and website news posting & memes
Order Local Media Assets Podcast Service:
Weekly show, WITH daily Facebook, Instagram, and website news posting & memes

After you checkout, we will contact you within 24 hours
to setup the special "guest access"
that allows us to live stream to your Facebook page,
and obtain YouTube & LibSyn logins OR set them up for you.

Done For You
Local Media Assets
Created by Robert Plank of JumpX LLC, Done For You Local Media Assets (DFYLMA) provides the services you need to for website and social media growth.
Free Memes